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    Lyssette Fernandez

    Lyssette  Fernandez
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      With over 18 years of experience in real estate, Lyssette Fernandez has honed the qualities and skills that define an excellent professional: integrity, in-depth community and market knowledge, marketing savvy, effective negotiation skills, and a high-quality professional network.

      In her experience as a Florida real estate professional, Lyssette has discovered that providing the best service is about putting clients first. This means being accessible, listening carefully, communicating effectively, and responding quickly to their needs.

      Her “client first” philosophy drives her to continually improve her skills and business practices. The latest technologies enable her to work more quickly and efficiently, extending the range of services she provides to clients.

      When you’re ready to buy or sell a home in the Orlando/Central Florida area, Lyssette Fernandez is here to help.